gameanalysis.learning module

Package for learning complete games from data

The API of this individual module is still unstable and may change as improvements or refinements are made.

There are two general game types in this module: learned games and deviation games. Learned games vary by the method, but generally expose methods for computing payoffs and may other features. Deviation games use learned games and different functions to compute deviation payoffs via various methods.

class gameanalysis.learning.DevRegressionGame(game, regressors, offset, scale, min_payoffs, max_payoffs, rest)[source]

Bases: gameanalysis.rsgame.CompleteGame

A game regression model that learns deviation payoffs

This model functions as a game, but doesn’t have a default way of computing deviation payoffs. It must be wrapped with another game that uses payoff data to compute deviation payoffs.

deviation_payoffs(mix, *, jacobian=False)[source]

Compute the payoff for deviating

This implementation is more efficient than the default since we don’t need to compute the payoff for non deviators.

class gameanalysis.learning.NeighborDeviationGame(model, num_devs=2)[source]

Bases: gameanalysis.learning._DeviationGame

Create a neighbor game from a model

This takes a normalized weighted estimate of the deviation payoffs by finding all profiles within num_devs of the maximum probability profile for the mixture and weighting them accordingly. This is biased, but accurate in the limit as num_devs approaches num_players. It also produces discontinuities every time the maximum probability profile switches.

  • game (RsGame) – If this is a payoff model it will be used to take samples, if this is an existing deviation game, then this will use it’s underlying model.
  • num_devs (int, optional) – The number of deviations to take.
deviation_payoffs(mix, *, jacobian=False)[source]
class gameanalysis.learning.PointDeviationGame(model)[source]

Bases: gameanalysis.learning._DeviationGame

Deviation payoffs by point approximation

This model computes payoffs by finding the deviation payoffs from the point estimate of the mixture. It’s fast but biased. This is accurate in the limit as the number of players goes to infinity.

For this work, the underlying implementation of get_dev_payoffs must support floating point profiles, which only really makes sense for regression games. For deviation payoffs to have a jacobian, the underlying model must also support a jacobian for get_dev_payoffs.

Parameters:model (DevRegressionGame) – A payoff model
deviation_payoffs(mix, *, jacobian=False)[source]
class gameanalysis.learning.RbfGpGame(role_names, strat_names, num_role_players, offset, coefs, lengths, sizes, profiles, alpha)[source]

Bases: gameanalysis.rsgame.CompleteGame

A regression game using RBF Gaussian processes

This regression game has a build in deviation payoff based off of a continuous approximation of the multinomial distribution.

deviation_payoffs(mix, *, jacobian=False)[source]
get_dev_payoffs(profiles, *, jacobian=False)[source]
class gameanalysis.learning.SampleDeviationGame(model, num_samples=100)[source]

Bases: gameanalysis.learning._DeviationGame

Deviation payoffs by sampling from mixture

This model produces unbiased deviation payoff estimates, but they’re noisy and random and take a while to compute. This is accurate in the limit as num_samples goes to infinity.

  • model (DevRegressionGame) – A payoff model
  • num_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples to use for each deviation estimate. Higher means lower variance but higher computation time.
deviation_payoffs(mix, *, jacobian=False)[source]

Compute the deivation payoffs

The method computes the jacobian as if we were importance sampling the results, i.e. the function is really always sample according to mixture m’, but then importance sample to get the actual result.

gameanalysis.learning.neighbor(game, num_devs=2)[source]

Create a neighbor game from a model

  • game (RsGame) – If this is a payoff model it will be used to take samples, if this is an existing deviation game, then this will use it’s underlying model.
  • num_devs (int, optional) – The number of deviations to explore out.

Read neighbor game from json

gameanalysis.learning.nngame_train(game, epochs=100, layer_sizes=(32, 32), dropout=0.2, verbosity=0, optimizer='sgd', loss='mean_squared_error')[source]

Train a neural network regression model

This mostly exists as a proof of concept, individual testing should be done to make sure it is working sufficiently. This API will likely change to support more general architectures and training.


Create a point game from a model

Parameters:game (RsGame) – If this is a payoff model it will be used to take samples, if this is an existing deviation game, then this will use it’s underlying model.

Read point game from json


Read an rbf game from json

gameanalysis.learning.rbfgame_train(game, num_restarts=3)[source]

Train a regression game with an RBF Gaussian process

This model is somewhat well tests and has a few added benefits over standard regression models due the nature of its functional form.

  • game (RsGame) – The game to learn. Must have at least one payoff per strategy.
  • num_restarts (int, optional) – The number of random restarts to make with the optimizer. Higher numbers will give a better fit (in expectation), but will take longer.
gameanalysis.learning.sample(game, num_samples=100)[source]

Create a sample game from a model

  • game (RsGame) – If this is a payoff model it will be used to take samples, if this is an existing deviation game, then this will use it’s underlying model.
  • num_samples (int, optional) – The number of samples to take.

Read sample game from json

gameanalysis.learning.sklgame_train(game, estimator)[source]

Create a regression game from an arbitrary sklearn estimator

  • game (RsGame) – The game to learn, must have at least one payoff per strategy.
  • estimator (sklearn estimator) – An estimator that supports clone, fit, and predict via the stand scikit-learn estimator API.